As per Credicorp´s Shareholder’s Guide, we remind our shareholders that the last day to request “Matters to be considered at the 2025 AGM” is February 10th, 2025.

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About Credicorp

Where is Credicorp incorporated?

Credicorp Ltd. is a limited liability company incorporated in Bermuda. The majority of the operations conducted by Credicorp’s subsidiaries take place in Peru.

In which countries does Credicorp operate?

Credicorp is a business group that, through its subsidiaries and associates, offers a wide range of financial, insurance and health services and products, mainly throughout Peru and in other countries such as Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Panama and the United States.

Which documents can I access to gain more insight about Credicorp?

We suggest reading the following documents:

  1. Our latest Annual and Sustainability Report, which you can find in the Annual Materials section. This document provides information regarding business developments at Credicorp during the last year.
  2. Our latest Corporate and ESG Presentations, which you can find in here and here.
  3. Our latest 20-F, which you can find in the Annual Materials section provides a comprehensive overview of Credicorp and its business.
  4. Our latest Quarterly Earnings Release, which you can find in the Quarterly Reports section, provides recently updated financial information.


Does Credicorp have any scheduled events?
Yes, you can find a calendar of events in our Events & Presentation section. .

Share Information

Where is Credicorp’s common stock listed?

Credicorp’s common stock is directly listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Lima Stock Exchange (BVL, acronym in Spanish) under the ticker symbol “BAP”. Its common stock is quoted in U.S. Dollars on both exchanges.

How many outstanding shares does Credicorp have and who is its main shareholder?

Credicorp has 94.4 million issued shares outstanding, of which 14.9 million shares are held as treasury shares. Additional information can be found under Item 7 – Major shareholders and Related Party Transactions, in our latest 20-F report.

Where can I find information about Credicorp’s dividends?

You can find information about our dividend policy in the Dividend History section of our IR website.

Financial Reporting

When are the next quarterly financials released?

The earnings video conferences are announced via press release. In addition, you can sign up for Company alerts here to be informed of upcoming earnings, or visit Upcoming Events for the latest information on our next earnings announcement.

When is Credicorp’s fiscal year-end?

Our fiscal year-end is December 31.

Who regulates the operations of Credicorp’s subsidiaries?

Our main subsidiaries, BCP, Mibanco, Grupo Pacífico, Prima AFP, and Credicorp Capital Peru, are located in Peru and offer banking and financial services. They are regulated by Peruvian laws and supervised by the following Peruvian Financial Regulators: The Peruvian Central Bank (BCRP), The Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and Pension Funds (SBS), The Superintendence of the Securities Market (SMV), Peruvian Consumer Protection Authority (INDECOPI), and the Peruvian Data Privacy Authority (ANPDP).

Who is Credicorp´s independent external auditor?

For the period 2023-2027, Credicorp’s independent external auditor is Tanaka, Valdivia y Asociados SCRL, a member of EY Global.

Corporate Governance & ESG

What are Credicorp´s purpose, values and vision?


Contribute to improving lives by driving the changes that our countries need.


  • Respect
  • Fairness
  • Honesty
  • Sustainability


Be a sustainable financial business leader in Latin America, guided by a great purpose, future-oriented and focused on generating superior value for our employees, customers, shareholders, and the countries we operate in.

What sustainability standards/organizations is Credicorp aligned to?

Our sustainability practices are aligned to GRI and SASB standards. Additionally, in December 2023 we issued our first report under the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. For more information, please refer to our latest Annual and Sustainability Report here.


Does Credicorp have a corporate governance policy?

Yes. For further details please click on the following link: Credicorp Corporate Governance Policies.

Does Credicorp publish a sustainability report?

Yes. For further detail visit our latest Annual and Sustainability Report.

What is the tenure for the board of directors?

Directors hold office for three-year terms. For further detail see Item 6 – Directors, Senior Management and Employees – 6C. Board Practices, in our latest 20-F report.

Is there any document shareholders should examine carefully?

Yes, we have a document that explains the guidelines for investors. Please refer to the following link: Shareholder’s Guide .

What are Credicorp´s ESG ratings?

Our ESG ratings as of 2023

  • Sustainalytics: 22.1 – Medium Risk
  • MSCI: 5.3 – AA Leader
  • DJSI: 54 (S&P Global CSA Score)